Should I Wear Compression Stockings?

Compression stockings help push blood from your lower legs back to your heart. You are probably wondering, doesn't my body already do this for me? The short answer is, yes but if you are sitting or standing still it has a harder time as your calf pump is not being activated. Your calf pump is activated when your muscle contracts during walking and it helps move the blood back to your heart. Overtime with long periods of sitting or standing the veins can stop working properly and the blood can pool and create further issues if left untreated.

These days there are way more options than the beige colored socks that your grandma may have once worn and they come in a variety of styles and colors. Most of the time people wear them for swelling but a lot of venous specialists are recommending that you wear them as prevention. Furthermore, if your job requires you to sit or stand for long periods of day your calf pump is not activated therefore, blood can pool in your legs which is why the use of stockings becomes so important.

Besides being used for decreasing swelling there are a lot of benefits in wearing compression. They can also be used for lowering lactic acid build-up during exercise, help with shin splints, prevent varicose veins, help with tired/achy legs, prevent ulcers, and lower the risk of DVT’s (deep vein thrombosis).

Compression stockings are an aid that help you improve your well-being in life. If you are interested in trying compression, talk to your doctor and have them prescribe them and feel the difference compression can make!


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